Friday, May 17, 2013

And the blame goes to...

Much is being made about the IRS scandal.  This fiasco has added to the headaches that Mr Obama has to deal with suddenly, since Benghazi has risen to the surface again and the Justice Department decided that the First Amendment was more of a guideline than a rule.  Some are even calling this fuel for the fire to repeal the bloated ball of suck and fail that is Obamacare.  If anything is brought to the surface for administration officials to be grilled over (and possibly prosecuted) I would love to see Fast and Furious rain on his parade again.  I think Eric Holder would look good behind bars, but that is just a personal opinion 

I see several things here.

One, the likelihood that the administration was in on the IRS scandal is distant at best. The likelihood that it was partisan on the part of the agents involved is high.  However, to paraphrase Bobcat Golthwait, blaming Barack Obama for the actions of IRS agents is like blaming Ronald McDonald when you get a bad cheeseburger.  The IRS is a bloated, overpowered and arrogant agency that needs to be taken down a few pegs.  Actually a few hundred pegs.  Hopefully this will accomplish that feat.  Far too little oversight is given to that agency and much scrutiny is needed.

Two, I have read through the correspondence that was released to the public so far and yes, I do believe that a conscious effort was made to downplay the truth so as to not negatively affect the upcoming election.  Was this dishonest?  Yes.  Does it speak volumes about the honest and open administration promised by Obama? Yes.  Was it illegal?  Not really.  Should America be wary?  Hell yes.

Three, if the Republicans are putting their hopes on this strategy to capture swing voters in the next election, they are once again going to be disappointed.  What they have to do is show people that the bread and circuses promised by our current president are not sustainable and provide actual solutions that make sense and possibly get the government out of our homes and bedrooms.  The current path will not lead to a repeal of Obamacare, nor sweeping Republican success in the next elections.

I think what I would really like is to see a series of elections (say, three or four) where independents and Libertarians are swept into power, top to bottom.  That would really make for an interesting political landscape in DC.  Give them 8 years in power, and have popcorn at the ready.

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