Thursday, October 11, 2012

VP Debate stream of thought.

We start with Benghazi:
Biden:  Nice speech, but deflected on the actual subject.  Somewhat denying what has been reported to congress by actual people working on the ground.
Ryan:  Addressed the deflections but not addressing the issue initially.  Good point on Paris having a Marine contingent, but not Benghazi. 
Note:  Moderator has already lost control. 
Biden has turned to the attack, but has not been coherent.  Ryan is being polite while the moderator is actually questioning Biden.  Ryan has responded, but not convincingly.
Ryan:  Not selling me on the argument, but did bring up good points. 
Biden:  Starts out arrogant.  Now saying Iran’s nuclear weapons program is not really a credible threat.
Ryan questioned on what Romney would do, not really having answers.  Biden has come back with bluster.  Still denying that the Iranian nuclear progress is an issue. 
Biden:  Still arrogant.  Blaming Bush.  Claims saving the auto industry was great.  Claims Romney was not paying fair taxes, and that the economy is doing great, and that Romney will tax the middle class into oblivion.  Is not polite enough to allow Ryan to answer.
Ryan:  Not answering the question with facts, but not horrible.  Rambled a bit with the personal story about Romney.
Biden:  Starting to ramble.  Brings it back to saving the auto industry.  Claims that Romney will still kill the middle class.  Blames republicans.
Ryan:  Answers with details the issues with Stimulus.  Biden still can’t control himself.
Ryan:  Using homey story.  Starting to use facts and numbers, Biden amazingly staying quiet.
Biden:  Starting to come back with actual numbers. 
Ryan comes back to bring up facts and issues, and Biden can’t keep quiet. 
Morphed into social security.  Both blowing bluster, throwing out numbers and scare tactics.  Moderator tried to take back control, did not succeed.
Biden:  Defending Bush tax cut.  Ironic. 
Ryan:  Details the issues with the Obama tax plan.  Still not selling me on their plan, but now other figures are sited.
Biden:  Stating that the small businesses detailed by Ryan included hedge funds.
Now fiasco reigns.
Ryan:  Stating the they will not raise funding, just not cut it.
Biden:  Getting mad, scares the moderator.
Ryan:  Commented well, pointed that we need to be careful to not leave a vaccum that the Taliban/Al Qaida will fill.
Biden:  All clear, I saw it from a helicopter! 
Ryan:  blaming Obama foreign policy.  Not selling the argument. 
Biden still stating that we can leave, all of it is good (He saw it from a helicopter!).  If they can’t take over their own country, too bad.
Ryan pointing out how the real world works.  Biden stating that the Afghans are good to go, and if not, too bad.
Biden:  Obviously pissed that Obama’s policy is getting questioned. 
Ryan:  Pointing out the failures to work the on the issue.  Not showing any real solution or direction.
Biden:  Claiming great work behind the scenes.  Still getting mad.
Ryan:  Still not giving a new insight.  Argument not really going anywhere.
Religion and abortion:
Ryan:  Claiming to be pro-life because of religion, science and fact.  Not selling me on his argument. 
Biden:  Claiming to be a devout catholic, but does not want to push those beliefs onto others of different religion or beliefs.  Not convinced, however, I agree with his argument.    
Ryan:  Not a convincing argument.  Suggesting to bring Roe V. Wade to national vote.  He and I disagree.
Last question: 
Why the negative attack ads (from military person):
Biden:  Acknowledges author, not answering the question, spinning into the attack with all the subtlety of a rusty crowbar.
Ryan:  Starts with thank you to question author, takes cue from Biden and goes on to attack.  Not answering the question either.
Biden:  Still an arrogant ass to the end.
Ryan:  not a good retort.
What is it best that qualifies you as a man to be vp:
Ryan:  Cited honesty, ironic in a politician.
Biden:  Like Obama, wasted time complaining about time. 
Closing Statement:
Biden:  Spinning faster than a top.
Ryan:  Still shoveling more manure than I had to at the school farm in high school.
I was refreshed that some excellent questions were asked by the moderator, but she was just as ineffective as the last one.  The microphones should be hooked up to a timer that shuts them off.
Biden was better than I expected, but did not sell me in any way and really came off as an arrogant ass.  Ryan brought nothing new.  Neither made claims for their side that I believed.  In the end nothing was really decided or changed for me. 

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