Friday, November 2, 2012

Ooo, thats gotta sting...

Hizzoner Bloomberg, Champion of the people of NYC, apparently felt that he wasn't held in enough scorn and decided to show really how tone deaf one gets when living in marble halls. So, while significant parts of NYC are still suffering through a lack of power, water (ironic, considering they suffered massive flooding) shelter and dealing with the lovely November weather, Mayor Bloomberg decides that the thing to bring them out of their funk is a really good marathon.  I loved his quote from the news conference:

"You have to keep going and doing things," he said, "and you can grieve, you can cry and you can laugh all at the same time. That's what human beings are good at."

Another words, suck it up and quit yer bitchin...  Amazing what kind of attitude takes over when a politician knows that he isn't running for re-election.  (Hmm, interesting thought when applied to what could come down the pike if someone is re-elected to the White House.)

This apparently fell somewhere south of the expectations of the populace and shockingly, they voiced their displeasure loudly and on national coverage.  So Bloomberg had to do a complete about face and cancel the marathon.  Of course, his explanation is still trying to justify holding the race, but that isn't shocking from a politician.  He can't just come out and say "I apologize, apparently I am a moron."  It might hurt his credibility with the...  Oh, who am I kidding, this guy has none.

All I could think of was Mr Carlson on WKRP:  With god as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly...

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