Thursday, February 6, 2014

Interesting coincidence...

Today I was looking in the local newspaper's online site for local ads because a few places actually still do that kind of advertising.  I need to replace our shotgun and I really don't want to overpay like the last time.  While cruising the site a news story catches my eye.  Apparently there was a sniper attack on a power substation just south of San Jose last year that did over 15 million dollars in damage.  This was shocking to me because I had not heard word one about it.  Such a local event involving guns should have been high on the radar.  Why did I not hear about it?  Check the date.  The attack happened hours after the Boston bombing.  All eyes were on Boston and nobody was injured in San Jose, so this was back page news.  Now we are seeing a little publicity because a politician brought it up in December and now the FBI has labeled it a non-terrorist incident.

It is interesting to me because on one had, the attack showed planning and knowledge.  They knew where the communications lines were and cut them, actually affecting both local and cell phone communications.  They scouted the location beforehand (apparently) for the best vantage point to shoot from.  However, on the other had, they left fingerprints everywhere and shell casings.  So not as professional as one would think.  Still, I am in agreement with several others.  I look at this item as a test run to see if it would work, what the response time would be and what the effect would be.  That information is useful to those wishing to cause problems on a continuing basis.  I am really disappointed that with the evidence apparently available, they have not made an arrest.  Hopefully they do before a larger event is put into action.

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